ALL SCALES 500,600,652, 660, and 664 LUMBER DIRECTIONS
Very carefully, remove the protective foam from
the bottom of the load if it is present. HO, N loads don't have the
protection. For non-permanent mounting to the flat car try Moveable
Miniatures Glue or white glue in 3 or 4 spots on the bottom of the load.
Prototypical loads have 2 X 4's or 2 X 6's nailed to the wide stickers
on the base of the load with large 4 X’s in the stake pockets. To model
this feature, glue scale 2 X 4 or 2 X 6’s the length of the load on both
sides. Then, take those stakes that come with your scale model flatcar
and trim them to about 2 feet and mount them in the stake pockets about
every other hole. The load should now be fairly snug between the
pockets. With this method glue is not needed for securing to the car and
can be loaded and unloaded for operations.
To install beacon, drill #78 or larger for wires in shell. If you prefer a
lower base showing, drill a .050 hole taking care not to drill through the
shell. Loop wires inside for wiring to board or decoder for easy removing of
the shell. Beacons are polarity and amperage sensitive. For DC and DCC
applications, resistors are required. 1k or 1000 ohms is a safe resistance for
a 12 vt. system. The red wire is the positive connection with the green wire
the negative connection. Small surface mount resistors are the best as they
don’t take very little room. Resist the positive lead to the beacon. Program
decoder for blinking which could be many choices depending on what decoder is
used in the application.
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